It's been far too long since I worte a blog purely for fun. Yeah, I know that blogs are meant for just that but Ive been using it as more of a sounding board instead. A place to just vent my feelings or thoughts on whatever topic. During the summer, I usually blogged about fun stuff I did over the weekend or even some random occurrence at work. Recently, though, its been about school or job hunting and most recently my reflectionson getting older but feeling the same/younger. And while there have been some fun times putting these together, its taken more effort to find that sensation and get myself up and writing.
School is school, the job hunt goes the same, and Savvy is tired from working out in between. The days roll by and I am getting more nervous about finding a job. I know I shouldn't, in fact I recently got a reply from an HR rep at the company for which I interned this summer stating as much. So I go back to my computer, check my email, register for next term's classes and fret over my score on the latest Finance 671 quiz (which was ABYSMAL, by the way). Though the professor said, "You'd actually have to try to fail this class. Most of you will get between a 3.00 and 4.00." Does the term "an A for effort" come to mind? Well, whatever. I'll just need to kick butt next time. Anyway, I know what you're thinking, if you even bothered to read this far, that is. "But, Savvy... I thought you said this would be a 'fun' blog entry?" True dat, my friend. Time to get on with the show.
Next up: My upcoming trip to Portland. This friday I and about 25 classmates will visit the Intel site to meet with leaders (project managers?, not sure) from a few different business groups. It should be interesting. I've made a few contacts there, but it never hurts to keep going after it. So, yeah, I'm still concerned about the post-graduate job picture but I'm just going to use that "nervous-energy", as my undergrad Theater Arts Acting professor termed it, to keep myself focused, relaxed and ready. Like a jungle cat ready to pounce! Hah!!! Now the fun begins.
Cool thing is, I'll meet a friend of mine who will be in Portland on business that day. He's coming down from Seattle and so he, his co-worker and I will hook it up for drinks out that night. Then I'll cruise back to Eugene and crash. Should be a fun time.
Beyond that, I'm looking forward to a road trip up to Seattle and then Vancouver BC over the thanksgiving weekend. I'll meet friends, see cool places and generally chill out enough to come back and prepare for final exams soon after. Then the winter break will come and before you know it the year is gone. Getting ready for the big 0-6.
I'll end with one of my favorite quotes. This is from Earl "Bud" Powell, Jazz pianist, at a live show. He was responding to an audience member who was trying to sing scat
through their entire set. When the show was over, he looked out at the crowd and replied to the club regular,
"That what'chu wanted, Alfred?"