Maybe it’s the start of a new year or that each day we see daylight a bit longer but whatever it is I feel much better about my job and how to do it than I felt just a few weeks ago. I get the feeling that 2007 will be a great year in the life and times of Mr. Dave Savoy. Now, I don’t want to get all mushy here and glow about the prospects of my job and all because it’s been tough. And more than likely its been my continuing perseverance that has enabled my increasing level of comfort in doing what I do. I’ve still got a lot to learn here and a ways to go before I can move on to my next stage either here at Xerox or elsewhere; however, this time of year does give me cause to reflect on all that the previous year has brought and on my accomplishments during that time.
Before moving onward, I am just taking this moment to look back and praise God that I’ve been able to go from Japan back to school and from school out into the job market and into a position with great potential whether or not I decide to stay with the company. I say this not because I am looking to leave, but it does my mind some good to know that I have the option of leaving at some point. Obviously I’d like to stay here for at least a few years in order to build up a stable employment history. But beyond that I am pleased to say that I have not yet decided my plans. At this point my life is still unfolding and I am excited to be on the verge of something potentially really cool and with just about six months of Xerox under my belt I can begin to see the slope of the learning curve becoming less steep. It’s stable enough ground for me to take a glance over my shoulder and look at the monstrous hill I’ve just climbed and say to myself, “Self, that’s quite a slope you’ve just scaled.” Then turn back to the hill and keep climbing. I’ve come a long way. Still got a ways to go, but at least I can say that I’m making some pretty good progress.
Happy New Year!!!!
Jia you huhnee~ I know my DWTX is qiang! Ci will jia you with you ^.^V I feel so lucky that we're growing together and helping each other too~ And I get to keep giang-ing your forehead.. ho ho ho...
why didn't my picture show up... weird...
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