Another two months have passed since my last entry. And I had been on a pace of one or two entries a month... Not to worry, though, my life has been boring enough so that my reader(s) won't miss much if I don't recap the past two months in great detail. My time has been spent working and planning for the Christmas break, when I will be travelling to Beijing, China to visit Cici's family.
So, since my life has been so boring, why do I bother posting now? Vacation next week! I'm finally getting some much needed time off and have no plans other than shuffling around my house and relaxing. This year it seems that every time I have a day or two off I have spent that time travelling or running errands. This time, it's all about having some chill time...
Now, here I am at work, on the Friday before my great sedentary escape, plotting out in my head the spots on my couch I will begin to sink into first and where to roll when my butt needs a fresh cushion. I have a nearly full case of beer in the fridge and plenty of healthy foods to munch on. Just because I'm lazy doesn't mean I want to become a fatass. I do plan to take some meandering journeys around my neighborhood to balance out my couch and computer surfing hours too. And suddenly a Simpsons episode comes to mind ...
Homer drives the ball up high, and he yells "Woo-hoo!" while itflies in the air, but it lands in the sand trap: "D'oh!" Burns adds, "Yes, you're in deep d'oh now."
Burns: Oh, quit cogitating, Steinmetz, and use an open-faced club. The sand wedge!
Homer: Mmm... open-faced club sandwich.
So that's that. I'm about to check out for awhile to come back fully refreshed and ready for the busy holiday business push. My next blog should include my hellishly busy first week of December - both forecasting and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt workshop - as well as stories from my trip to China!
Catchy'all on the downslide~
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