Blogs in the age of digital marketing. It's as good of a title as any for my first foray into reviving this blog. As a manner of continuously refreshing content and providing that ever-important cross linakge (the lifeblood of SEO), I have decided to resurrect my blog and turn it's voice to my broadcast my musings on my passion: Digital Marketing.
So, it is my pleasure to introduce to you the renewed purpose
of this blog: sharing my professional and personal findings for how to
convert in the digital age -- and trying to do so without sounding buzzy or cliched...
And now for something completely relevant. (note the "Monty Python" reference)
Not only can Customers be a highly mobile moving target, but so too is the manner in which we marketeers (again, see what I did there?) communicate with our audiences. While somewhat ubiquitous, blogs remain a vital component of any digital marketing strategy. Though, no longer is it enough to have a blog and update said blog regularly. Nor is it even enough to cultivate a following of said blog. But the focus has turned to converting your followers, commenters and even critics to related digital properties, products and services.
And converting means cross linkage, yes, but it also necessitates and increase in ad-spend. Setting up the appropriate sign posts (banners, links, etc) to reach your target audience at the right place and at the right time to visit, view and ultimately purchase.
Case in point: Check out this article on by Alexandra Bruell, published: December 02, 2012.
Enjoy and remember, as you go out there and develop plans for traffic generation and online media in 2013, remember that the best way to ensure your failure is to NOT invest any attention to social media spending. Yep, I went there...
Cheers for now and I'd appreciate your comments on possible future topics or, of course, any questions (thoughts, pontifications and general chatter welcome too)
Follow me on Twitter ~ @Savvymix
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