Thursday, July 27, 2006

Data Deluge

As I look upon my monitor, with a deluge of numbers flowing across the screen, I feel as if I am somehow being drawn into the pool of bits and bytes piece by piece. In my world, consisting of four gray, felt textured walls, I am immersed in an infinitude of data and databases until my cubicle becomes less a workspace and I see myself inside a neverending spreadsheet in which I exist only within my assigned "cell".

It's all a bit overwhelming in my first few days on the job. But as days go by, I grasp more of the picture and I push on the walls of my perception to expand my understanding of just what the hell it is that I do here (besides collect a paycheck).

So, this post isn't so much of a "what's up with me" as it is a data dump and forum for me to vent. But, as the picture illustrates, I know I will soon rise up like Neo and then no one will be able to hold me back ... just as soon as I figure out what it would be that "they" try to keep me from.

Now, hit me ... if you can...

Monday, July 24, 2006

The First Day

Its the first day of a new job and I'm sitting, staring at my notebook computer wondering how in the world I'm going to analyze the reems of data now stuffing my inbox. Well, I'll just begin by poking around and sifting through it all to gain my bearings and develop some familiarity with it. Learning how to put it all together and actually make some use of it will take time. But for now, I'll begin taking steps and (hopefully) move in the right direction.

The routine is slowly coming together and I've got a full schedule for the next three weeks. This week is all about meeting people and shuffling paper. It's next week when the real fun begins. The first two weeks of each month, I'm busy submitting forecasts for production by product and related supplies. That means that those reems of data are necessarily plugged in to various spreadsheets where forecasting calculations are performed. Ultimately, this results in some form of prediction of how much of what goes where and when.

Whew! My Ci called me during lunch and I felt kind of rude because, being my first day, I'm loaded down with work and this feeling of not knowing what I don't know. I mean, I don't even know yet what tools I'll use or with whom I'll meet to get the data I need to do my job. Over time, soon I hope, I'll at least learn the key objectives of my job and where to get answers to the questions that arise as I fumble through my first day/week/month here.

To my Ci- Wo ai ni! I will call you soon and we can talk about all that we did during the day. Hmmmah!

Ok, nuff for now. Gotta be a busy little worker bee and get back to my spreadsheets. Oh what fun!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Latest

Dog tired and sore, My Ci and I moved my stuff out to Wilsonville just yesterday. Now we're back in Eugene for a brief rest and tomorrow's birthday celebration! Yeah, tomorrow my Ci will turn one year older and wiser. So I'm here until Tuesday when I'll head back up the I-5 to go house hunting... ooooh...

And as for work, I'll start next monday. I'm excited and yet nervous and trying to get my life and mind organized to begin the next adventure. I've got a good feeling about all that is going on now and I'm looking forward to getting a move on with it.

Two years from now, I may just find myself back up in Seattle with my Ci and ... well, who knows? But I'm looking forward to it! Meanwhile, I'll kick butt at work and get myself situated in a home soon.

Things be goin' well.