I blazed out to Seattle yesterday afternoon for a bachelor's party I was obliged to attend. Having parted ways with my friends in Seattle when last I jetted out, wait... back up a moment...
It really began on Sunday of Bumbershoot Weekend, Sept. 4th. in Seattle, Washington. I had rolled up to visit for the long weekend with some friends I've known since my days at the Bank. About five years ago I left my friends and my job and moved to Japan, where I would end up staying until 2004. Now I'm back and finishing up Grad school. Currently, of course, I'm in Hillsboro. FYI: It takes about three hours from my digs to Sea-town under moderate traffic conditions.
When I had run up last time to see the crew I hiked off early to meet some other friends, a different crew, that I knew in town. Problem is: when I took off I neglected to make the rounds and say my good-bye's. I just muttered something about friends and leaving and meandered away. Not good enough! I received emails from a few folks expressing their wonderment and displeasure about how I had ditched my friends. Not too good, especially since my goal is to move back to Seattle one post-graduation day soon. And, as a general rule, I'd like to AVOID offending my friends. So, the stage is set for my mid-week jaunt to Seattle for the bachelor party.
Earlier in the week I received an email about the party and plans. I saw this as an opportunity to show just how good of a friend I truly am by driving 350mi in total to attend the festivities. So, at 2:30pm on Thursday, I set out for Seattle and made the trip in about three hours. All's well so far! The party started shortly thereafter and remained at a constant level of inhibriation and drunken ramblings through 2:00am. With all around me setting off in limp-home mode, I was as alert as ever and hopped in the car at about a quarter-to-three. My first plan was to head as far down the I-5 corridor for as long as I could keep my eyes open and hands on the wheel. 10 miles pass by and I begin doubting my plan. The weather was awful as rain covered my windshield faster than my wipers could remove it and caravans of Semi's ran along at top speed down the center lane. The caravans created a kind of murky shower of the spray shot from their tires, creating an additional hazard of the kind one who is tired and partied out should not face alone. But there I was, on the highway, driving through the spray and fighting my way home.
45 more miles slip away and I see the first of three Rest Stop Areas. I got my first second-wind just as I left the road sign in the darkness behind me. Another 40 miles ahead and I would not escape the lure of that open parking space and well-lit bathroom. But a few short minutes after stopping, I urged myself on with the thought of sleeping two precious hours in my bed. "Two in the bed is better than two in the car," I told myself, without realizing its dual meaning at the time.
More rain and road splash and fading road and sleepy eyelids dragging down and fighting through it all... and I arrived home just before 6:00am. I promised myself two hours of sleep and I was going to have it. All cleared with the boss the previous day, I came in at around 9am this morning. Now, I'm here at work and feeling fine. A little sleepy, but fine. Ready to face my last day of the Internship and ready to pack up and move out for Japan, then Eugene, then who knows where.
m(_ _)m
Good job, DWTX.
I'll soon be on my way too.
See you soon.
Two in the bed is always better then two in the car! lol
* than. whoops.
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