I've got such a natural buzz going right now that I can see myself just running around my office, banging on cubicles and knocking over these fake walls at random, whooping and grunting all the while. Post-Presentation Syndrome. I just gave my final internship presentation to a room full of upper managers and more on the phone. I used a PPT projector, NetMeeting, a Conference Call Bridge and IM for 45 minutes as I fended off pot-shots, questions and random attacks from the most dangerous group of managers I've met this summer. Good LORD! But I came through VICTORIOUS!
Now, Im winding down and trying to avoid a caffeine crash. I drank two cups of coffee, an energy drink and a can of Coke to pep-up for the Main Event this afternoon. Yee Haw! And it worked! I was peppy, energetic and uber charismatic as I charmed the crowd to rave reviews. Now I'm looking forward to my beer ... after work. Soon, I'll be sitting at home, pissing away time on the computer while kickin' it laid back and lazy style.
Its been a good summer. Tough at times, but worth the effort. Soon enough, however, I'll be back in Eugene for my last year of Grad school ... chillin with a fat spliff thinkin' this was some crazy-ass dream. Just kidding!
Anyway, 'nuff for now.
(Thx for the msg, Dina ;])
Hi, you posted on my blog so I thought I would stop by. Congrats on the presentation. My last presentation of my MBA I was 8 months pregnant. Needless to say, they didn't have me speak much, LOL. When do you graduate?
yo !!!
am back with a bang !!!
had gone outta town to attend my colleagues's marriage .... and the funny thing is as soon as her marriage was over , a song which runs on the lines of ' I want a girl friend ' was played in the hall .... poor girl !!!!
ahha !!! fans .. huh ??? good for u ....
watch it w/ the beer tho ....
so, have a GREEEEEEEEEEAt weekend ... u deserve it , i bet !!!
c ya
Hhaa.. My dwtx is so popular! Yeah~ ni xin ku le!
Hope you'll enjoy the last week of the summer internship, followed by a week of fun in Japan. Ehhh...a week later I'll be back to Eugene and my life will be occupied by foamcore and drafting pen again >.<"
Good luck with the acting tryout next Tuesday. Tell me how it goes~ Jia you, Yay!
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