Yesterday was Saturday and I had nothing to do but clean my apartment and waste time on my computer. I sat at home and gamed for awhile but became bored after blowing so much time so I decided to get out for awhile. Getting some fresh air is so very necessary, in my opinion, to one's health. I started to feel a little light-headed after heading out on a brief walk that I found myself daydreaming about the computer game I had been playing earlier. My thoughts wandered to and fro, never stopping on one subject for too long and I lost count of how many random ideas floated for a fleeting moment to the front of my mind.
Lack of sleep. It was definitely caused by a lack of sleep. Though I tried to stay in bed late yesterday morning, I couldnt sleep past 9:30am. So, yesterday I just wandered through the day, never truly taking note its existence other than that I was awake and lucid and only noticed my surroundings on a cursory level. [Note: This morning, I slept much later and am feeling more coherent today, though sleep is still nagging at my eyelids.]
So I cant really explain but to say that my mind took a vacation and I had an enjoyable time daydreaming the day away on into the evening hours. Weird weekend.
Ehh... take care lah DWTX. I don't want to imagine you being hit by a car or something while you're walking outside, daydreaming...>.<
will call you in 43mins,21sec. c u~
the post below could also be called ' writer's block ' ... dont u think ????
and yes, my next post is up !!!!
Talking abt weird weekend, i slept the whole of this saturday !!!!
and on hetting up, just went back to sleep ....
I WANT THE NEXT POST .................... update, Mister !!!!!
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