Just reading the title of today's blog weights my eyelids with sandbags. But such is the day. I had a bit of an adventure or, more appropriately, an exercise in patience yesterday which led to this post. So, here is how it all went down:
I was working a bit late last night, finishing a monthly status report for the boss-man. After wrapping things up here at the office, I headed out to Quiznos for some dinner to-go. From office to home took about 45 minutes. That pot head over at the sandwich shop is fu**ing slower than a dead snail. Anyway, I got home and was in the process of removing my dinner from its paper encasings when the whole thing fell apart on my floor. Not pleased was I. I proceeded to curse and beat the table while imagining that damn fool sandwich jockey's stoned out face. But I must pause and calm myself...
Afterward, I ate the remnants of my sandwich and headed out to the store. I was in such a mood that, in addition to the international phone card I sought, I bought a 12 pack, a high-caffiene energy drink and a gallon of milk. You know, the basics. Though time kept speeding past, I drank that energy drink and called CCTX. To get the days events off my chest.
Then I played Fallout2. Oh, yes. I played Fallout2. In fact, that energy drink gave me so much energy that I played until 1:30 am. This would normally not be so late for me. I am, after all, the guy who used to regularly stay up until 2am before getting up at 7 for work at da Bank up in Seattle... But I must be losing my edge. Having gotten 6 hours of sleep the night before, I woke up a 7:55 am this morning yet made it work only 15 min past 8. Not that hours are strictly adhered to in my company. Basically, we work as long as necessary and no one holds us to any time card. There are, however, guidelines. And since I'm still an intern I really need to be showing my best. Lucky for me, the boss (boss' boss, actually) is out of the office this week. So I slipped into my cubicle at 8:15 this morning with fresh, black bags under my eyes while wearing the same shirt I slept in last night. As you can probably tell, dress code is also a non-issue here.
So far, things have been going well today. I've gotten an e-mail of appreciation from my boss regarding the work I've put in this week and am ahead of schedule on my project. As poor an employee as I may sound, I truly do a kick-ass job at my work. I'm just fortunate to have an employer to let me be myself while I'm out there kicking ass.
So now 5pm thither winds its way toward me and I accept the invitation to get the hell out of here. Time to go home and hit my pillow nice and hard.
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