Well, I let myself get pretty scruffy lookin' this past weekend. It was an awesome three-day weekend spent lying around and, of course, playing Fallout 2. I finished the origingal Fallout a couple of weeks ago and have since moved on to the sequel, Fallout 2. Fallout 3 is scheduled for release in about a year, so there is indeed hope for the future. For now, though, I'm into the second installment of the series and loving every minute (except when the game crashes and corrupts my saved game files...).
So, this past weekend I sat at home and just vegetated in front of the computer, totally messing up my sleep schedule. Friday night I went to bed at a decent hour but Saturday I was up until about 5am, waking up at 10:30. Sunday night was even better (or worse). I finally went to bed at around 6am with the alarm set for noon. Didn't happen. I woke up around 2pm on Monday and couldn't go to sleep the following evening. Gee, I wonder... Anyway, Im doing fine this morning at work and we'll just see how this day goes from here. The boss' boss is out of the office this week and my boss lives/works out of state. So, no one is here to quiz me on the bags or the dark circles under my eyes.
What made me so scruffy lookin' over the weekend, you ask? The beard. It was the beard. I hadn't shaved in about four days before I finally cleaned up this morning and the growth was substantial. In retrospect, I wish I'd taken a picture for the blog here. Anyway, because I was just sitting at home doing nothing, I wore the same T-shirt for the weekend and didnt shave. I showered once after working out on Saturday, but that was all. It was fun, especially now looking back on it from a clean and shaven perspective.
I've GOT to tell y'all about my progress in Fallout 2, though! But... It'll have to wait until next time. Gotta go. Gotta work. Gotta ... Zzzzz...
Hehehe... I want to see the scruffy-D. I must like it a lot. I know you're thinking I'm weird. But I think sometimes guy with scruffy look (espeically with lots of beard) looks hot. ehh.. EHHH? hohoho... "aahh.. don't qi-fu cici~"
I looooiiikkkee my DWTX with any kind of looking. ^^
i kinda agree w/ the above ..... feel guys [ the 1s w/ oval faces neway ] look better a scruffy look
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