The trip to Vancouver and Victoria marks the highlight of this year's vacation season. As promised, Winter Vacation Photos are viewable online.
Christmas went well, with Cici and I visiting my family up in Portland. It was good to see the fam again, and exchange the kind of talk that families do. The only downside being that it made my special someone homesick. She won't be able to spend Chinese New Year's with her fam, and that's tough. If there were something we could do here instead... but I guess nothing can really take the place of being with family during this season. I remember how it felt to be alone in Japan over the Christmas season not so long ago. Email, cards and phonecalls helped, but they're not the same as being there and conversing face to face. But, we do what we can and sometimes there's just nothing else for it but to grin and go on.
So, here's a happy story from Canada:
After taking the ferry over to Victoria from Vancouver, Cici and I stopped at a Red Robin for a late dinner before trying to catch the last ferry for the States. As it were, we missed that last ferry by some five hours. Ha ha! So, we found a hotel and crashed for the night. But we went out before getting to sleep right off and found a kewl little bar at the Strathcona Hotel. We had a couple of drinks there and just relaxed a bit from our hectic schedule and upcoming long drive back to Eugene the next day. It was a good time and not too expensive, as far as bars go, and was a great chance to simply lean back and enjoy being in Victoria.
Simple story, but its often the times that at first seem simple that mean the most. Check out those pics and enjoy!
1 comment:
DWTX, hei hei hei...
Thx for taking me to your grandparents' house for Christmas dinner. I had a good time there.
"Simple story, but its often the times that at first seem simple that mean the most." I like this expression! Maybe that's why memories are sometimes important to us. We can think about the past and learn from it, or just simply enjoy the moments that are meaningful to us.
wan an (I actually mean good afternoon >.<)
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