My someone and I just returned from our tour of the Great Northwest, rolling back in at around midnight.
Tour stops included:
- Visiting Family in Portland, OR
- Acquiring a Canadian VISA in Seattle, WA
- Chillin' with Yutaka in Vancouver, BC
- Ferrying out to the Buchart Gardens in Victoria, BC
- and Ferrying back to the States again thru Port Angeles, WA
I'll be posting our photo album online shortly, with links to follow. In the meantime, I'll amuse you with this little story about how Intel made a wee-little mistake...
In my last post I had mentioned that I'd been offered a job. This was true, up until Thursday afternoon, that is. Their HR department called to tell me that they had meant to offer the job to another individual who happened to have the same name as I do... right down to my middle initial. I was none too pleased, but there was not much I could do. I just told the HR people that I was still quite interested in working with their company (as dense as they appear to be) and they responded by telling my how strong my resume looked and that they would work to "get me in front of managers right away." From my business law course I know that if I had made any purchases on the basis of the employment offer that was ultimately and unjustly rescinded, they would be legally bound to pay me some compensation. But, as it were, I did not buy a house or a car or anything at all really. Ah, well. Maybe they will help me get into the company; maybe they won't. But either way, I'm back to where I was before. Still glad that I had a great vacation and enjoying my time before delving once more into the books that own my mind until it gets rented out to whichever company wins the auction. I've considered starting my own business, but I really need to get a more rapid return on my educational investment than entrepreneurship usually offers. I'll probably go into business for myself one day, but not right away.
So, that's that and there ya go. Stay tuned for pics online and stories from our vacation into the Great White North.
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