This posting comes with the completion of my week-long adversities and random stresses. It's as if new life has come in with the morning breeze that I could even feel it as I dreamt of kudos and accolades last night. Beginning with the final event first, the Intel HR representative called today to formally record my acceptance of their offer of employment post-graduation. The call came as I had, as things like this often go, just settled my place in the bathroom. I'm slated to work in Santa Clara, but may be able to negotiate the deal if my internship group comes around, as I expect they might, and offers me a post sometime in early spring. In the meantime, I can shop around other businesses knowing that I've got this solid job-plan in place.
As for the other items on my mind, my grades came back all that I'd hoped for. Three A-'s and one B (hey, it was Adv. Fin. Mgmt. and w/ a tough professor). So, I'm pleased with that end of things. As well, my car is back in good condition and running reasonably well. Actually, as I was about to tow it to an auto shop, a guy from AAA came out to assist with the towing. Turned out that my car's gear shifter was not fully in the "park" position. All the AAA guy did was push the shifter a bit until it "clicked" and was fully "engaged" in park and then she started right up. Made me feel bad for not finding the problem, but sometimes its the obvious things that escape us, i think.
Then, just as I was writing this blog, I received an email from JAL stating that my refund "request" had been "approved" and that the money was being credited back to my card. Niiiice. Five problems up and five problems down and me standing on top of it all. However: I need to say here that I strongly believe that these successes are not due to my own abilities or anything I may have said or done whatsoever; except, that is, to pray about it all. The manner in which all of it occurred, processed and was resolved all compels me to see God's plan in action, for whatever that may be or wherever He takes me. I thank Him and praise Him for his guidance.
Now, with school out, my employment situation settled, my car in working order and money in my account, Cici and I are off to Portland, Seattle and Vancouver B.C. from tomorrow morning. We'll be off to do some shopping, see some family & friends, and generally just chill for awhile. A break well-earned and well-deserved. Of course, this means and an early night for bedtime and to recharge the ol' batteries for the next adventure.
Here's Savvy, signing off for now. More later, with tales of the road unfolding ahead.
Hei hei hei...just kidding. I'm really happy for DWTX, that all of his problems are solved and he can relax and enjoy the trip now!
Wan an~
Its kind of nice when things just fall into place. Then I get paranoid wondering when Murphy will be coming to the party *L*
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