I'm not really sure if now is the right time to be off house hunting, but here I go. We've all heard about the housing bubble and how it's supposed to burst any time now, but who knows? Here's an example: I just saw a house yesterday that my real estate agent alerted me about. I drove past it and thought it was in just a perfect little neighborhood and in great condition. My plan is to take a look at the interior after work today. If I like it, I'll make an offer. Actually, there's already another party showing interest in the place and, as I understand it, he/she/they have already made an offer. But, their offer is below the asking price. Thus, if I'm willing to pay the asking price, then I'll get myself a nice new little house. It might just be worth it... I'll have to take a look at it and see. My agent says that the selling agent is willing to wait for me to look at the house to see if I'll offer more than the other party, so I've got that goin' for me... which is good. I mean, at least I've still got a shot at this cool little house. And if it doesn't work out, then I can still hope for this housing bubble to deflate, right?
I'll be posting pics of the place in my yahoo photo album. Actually, I've got some new pics up there now if y'all wanna look: Savvys Albums be here.
Hey Stranger! We also are moving in September. Actually, I will be in Europe while my family moves 2 miles down the road. I will return to new (to us) digs the last week of September. Watch my blog for details of the trip. And we have to hang when I get back!!!
More story, More story! hei hei hei... I'm retar-Ci huh...>.<
I miss my DWTX!
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