With the first two weeks of the month behind me and a total of three weeks experience in the office I'm feeling pretty confident about my job moving forward. It was quite busy at times during the first nine business days of August, with dozens of spreadsheets folded within about a hundred messages coming in while I was sending out analyses in files so big that I had to put them in .zip files before I could get them out. And the documentation I've been working on has passed the 20 page mark. I should actually be working on that now, but just can't bring myself to be productive. It's Friday. I'm tired. And I've got myself a nice little three-day-weekend coming up.
My plan for said time off is to rock on up to Seattle sometime either tonight or early Saturday morning, depending on whether or not I can get anyone to meet up with me tonight. Friday is generally not a big party day among my friends. We all work during the week, so Friday is more about hanging at home and slothing around from the computer to the beer fridge to the T.V. and back to the computer. So it may just be that I go to bed early and rock it up north at 7 or 8am tomorrow. We'll see.
My hunnie is in Beijing and I miss her but she's with her family and it's a good thing. I'll try to keep my finicky camera working while I'm on vacation this weekend so I can make vids and pics to show the Ci (and my blog audience as well) just how relaxed I get this weekend.
Keep on keepin on and chizzill and all dat.
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