Back to the basics. My job and my life have seen a fair amount of turmoil over the past couple of weeks. Partially, this is due to my becoming acclimated to a new position and the responsibilities associated with that. It doesn't help matters that no documentation currently exists (other than what I've been creating on the fly, as it were) describing responsibilities and how to go about satisfying these. According to sources I've contacted within the company, the previous individual to hold this post was something of a maverick when it came down to coordinating forecasting schedules with our worldwide partners. That is, not only is there no documentation on my position but that we (my mgr and I) are reconstructing the methodology and essentially redefining the post from this point forward. So, I'm tasked with writing all of this down and making it comprehensive and as easy to follow as possible. Partly, I'm doing this for myself, so that I can run through next month's forecasting cycle with greater confidence and speed -- since the boss will be on vacation. But also, I'm working it with a mind towards identifying areas of necessary improvement.
So that's been tough.
At home, my new apartment, I'm getting used to being away from my hunnie in Eugene. I've begun to build a routine, but only a couple of weeks have gone by and I'm still not settled in my activities. I work out at the apartment rec center and have used the pool a time or two and I take regular walks around the area. So, it's feeling more and more comfortable as time goes by. I'll make a post detailing my surroundings --pics and all-- sometime maybe this weekend.
All in all, things are going well. I'm busy but feeling more confident by the day and have begun to re-focus my mind towards house hunting. In all likelihood I'll get back to searching in September. In the meantime, I'm just taking life one day at a time and trying not to let myself get too stressed out about future plans and goals.
And that's what's been up with me lately.
1 comment:
It's definitly a good idea not to stressed out about future plans and goals, 'cos I know how that feels. You just want to tear yourself up and flush the pieces in the toilet. Maybe I'm exaggerating it too much...
I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. My honnie is QIANG! Jia you!
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