Oddly enough, this set of sunny summer days occurred in Seattle. I went up on Friday, a few hours after work, to see the crew and show off my new dj stuff. Yeah, I've been mixing again and made a demo tape. Not too bad, not exceptional, but good stuff. So anyway, I drove up and planted myself on Mario & Sean's couch for what would become the remains of the day.
Friday night
How I conned the peeps into sticking around their house while I was on the freeway was kinda silly. When I was still about 10 miles south of Chehalis, Sean called me and asked where the heck I was and how soon before I arrived. Knowing that Chehalis is aboiut 100 miles south of Seattle, I told him I wasn't far and I'd be there in 30 minutes. I was doing about a steady 90mph, but even so I wouldn't arrive in Seattle for another hour-fifteen. Well, thirty minutes and about 45+ miles later, I get another call. Sean was just so pleasantly inquiring as to when I'd be there since the crew wanted to go out to a bar or club or something. I said that I had been stuck in some nasty traffic, maybe behind an accident or something, and was still in Federal Way (20 miles south of Seattle). Sean told the crew it would be another 20-30 minutes before I arrived and told me to call him when I'd entered Seattle. Um Hmm. So, after traversing Tacoma, Federal Way and Sea-Tac I called Andy rather than Sean to tell them I'd entered Seattle. I was pretty close anyway, but not quite there. By that time, I figured, if they hadn't left the house they probably weren't going anywhere. Good news. Eventually, I arrived and sat on the couch and sipped my beer smiling serenely.
Next day, I met up with the friends again and went to a birthday/house warming party for a friend of a friend. It was a'ight, we played kickball and a bit of football, non-tackle of course. I mean, I like active, physical games and all but I was dog tired after about 30 minutes of it. My mouth felt as dry and full of cotton as if I had just been chewing on a stuffed animal.
Somewhere in that time period, I spotted a meth-head scoping out my car, which had my overnight bag in plain view. I stealthfully watched him and then he approached me. He asked for some tools to help repair his motorcycle. With no other ideas in my head, I went to my friend's friend's (the birthday/house warming party person) place to ask if they had some tools in the basement or something. Nope. But I got that dude to follow me there and alerted the whole party to his attention. Now everyone knew there was a meth-head sketching around... Then I went back and moved my car to a spot in front of the house. Andy was saying he wanted to check out a party at this place called Belltown Billiards because a friend of ours was deejay-ing (DJ Elad) and we could get in free. A'ight.. a'ight..
So, long story short, we ended up going to a club where Andy wanted to meet some chica that someone said had a crush on him. It didn't pan out for him, unfortunately, but he did manage to leave me stranded downtown. Oh what fun! He ran off to an after hours club, chasing that girl, and another friend offered me a ride back to where I'd left my car --about 15 miles across town. I went back to the car and drove off in search of a place to get some sleep. I drove to Golden Gardens park in search of a quiet spot by the Sound (Puget Sound) at which to crash land my tired mind. Not too bad, except that I heard some girl(s?) and maybe her boyfriend getting mugged by three dudes. I saw nothing, only heard parts of an argument and possible fight. Then the police came and took care of whatever it was that had happened. I heard no ambulance, though, so I assume there were no serious injuries or ill shiznit that went down besides someone getting punched a few times and then having his/her/their wallet(s?) stolen. And that's alls I knows 'bout that.
I had drank too much. I wasn't able to sleep well and my back hurt from my lumpy car seat. I was not a happy, frolicking Dawei. So, I just took care of some business. I went shopping to buy a new pair of sunglasses I'd lost mysteriously on Saturday. Don't really care though; they were broken anyway. And my new ones look more like my old favorite pair. All was going well. Some breakfast at Cyndi's Pancake place where I remember eating with my Ci the last time we visited Sea-town. Hei hei hei... And then I met up with Andy, who drove us out to Alki beach and talked the whole time about how he had just ended a relationship he'd been in for the past 3 years. Personally, I think the guy just needs a woman he can think of as a close friend instead of thinking of a dating relationship as something separate and independent of friendship.
We just hung out and eventually saw a movie: The Descent. It was a pretty freaky movie, but had a really contrived plot with very little depth. The storyline was pretty transparent and the characters were never well-developed. But the cave scenes were kinda scary. I didn't quite understand the ending, but I can guess that the main character must've been psychic or something to see ghosts like she does. But I won't spoil the plot here...
After that, Andy and I watched The A-Team for an hour or so. I crashed on the couch.
I have today off due to the kindness of my boss and my shrewdness in picking just the right time and manner in which to request it. I mean, I've only been there for three weeks and I've already scored a day off. It's because I worked a lot of overtime recently and the boss is just appreciating a dedicated effort. All to the good!
I left Seattle around 11am, after a nice IHOP breakfast, and got home around three. I checked email, sat in the hot tub and just spaced out a bit. Now, here I am winding up this story and journal of the past weekend. And, oh what a weekend it was! This one was one for the books! I exercised, took a few pictures, displayed my deejay talents and caught up with some folks I'd not hung out with in awhile.
But the night grows on toward bedtime and I'm thinking about calling it a day. More laters.
Seems like you've had a great weekend in sea-town. I'm jealoused. ho ho ho...
But you need to take care of yourself when Ci's not with you all right?! Otherwise I'll have to "giang" you sooooooooooooooooo many times when I go back to the States!!! >.<
miss you hon
Awww.. you make me want to chee-foo your flat spot. SMACK SMACK SMACK! Hei hei hei...
I miss my hunnie a lot too! When will you be available to call again? Send me an email and we'll talk soon!
Jia You!
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