Arizona. I went for a very brief walk in the light of the setting sun and my arms turned pink. Whether that says more about either the strong sun here or my pasty white skin im not sure. But one thing I am sure of is that its HOT! Real HOT!
I wasn't planning on posting an entry today, but something interesting happened on the way to work... Always prepared, I'd printed out directions from my hotel to the meeting site before I left Oregon. The problem: I have four days worth of meetings in AZ and they are not all at the same location. Long story short, I went to the wrong building this morning. Now, I should say that Ive never been to Phoenix nor am I familiar with the different locations (campuses) my company maintains. So, I really had no clue I was at the wrong place until I asked an employee I met in the parking lot how to find XYZ Building. After learning that it was 10+ miles away and me with 10 minutes left until the meeting began, I hopped in my rental car... A 2005 MUSTANG... and blazed across the desert sands to the correct site. Made it just in time.
I really enjoy driving that car! Ever seen that tv ad where someone is driving a car while filming the spedometer and odometer to show 0 - 60 in X seconds? Well, that was me, flying like a rocket, tires squeeling around the corners.
So, that is all for now. More tales to come. DWTX, signing out from the middle of the dry, hot, endless desert.
1 comment:
Ya! I saw that TV Ad long time ago, like maybe when I was 1 or 2??... Oh, that was you!? Oh...That's so coooooool! DWTX, I want to say that you really did a good job in that Ad!
hhhaaa....hhooo... ok ok.. I'll stop being tao yan.
Enjoy driving your babe for the rest of the week.
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