I wandered away from the house at around 6pm yesterday thinking that I'd just take a leisurely walk around the neighborhood. But the road has a way of enticing, stretching further into the distance and time slips by in such a manner that I found myself on the other side of town wondering how to get back. There is a highway, HWY 26 - a.k.a. Sunset Hwy, that extends from Portland over 100 mi. out to the Oregon Coast. Along this stretch very few foot bridges cross and it is always packed with cars, too busy to hustle across directly. Of course, I crossed one a couple of miles back and was searching for another bridge ahead. "Turn back? Fuck no! Not today, thank you kindly." -Hunter S. Thompson I was in for the long haul. Miles of road ahead and absolutely no thoughts in my mind about the next bridge.
Slowly, I worked my way, looping this way and around and through and up and down and over and under a golf course and a small river running through it. After another hour or so I found another bridge and managed to cross once more.
"So, is that it?" I can almost hear your thinking. No, that's not it! When I'd made it all the way back to my apartment, did I go inside? NO! I started up the car and took off on my next adventure: Powell's Books.
I'd driven another half hour to reach the area's largest bookstore, intent on purchasing the next Dark Tower in Stephen King's series, when I was suddenly struck with inspiration. I would search for classics by Lafcadio Hearn.
There was an artist (a writer) named Lafcadio Hearn who wrote tales on Japan during the late 1800's. He was a westerner who had spent a good deal of time in the Far East. The imagery he uses and the scenes his words paint are amazing. I'd come across some of his works during my own voyages out East, but had not owned any substantial bulk of them. Since Powell's Books also sells used books, and has a VERY large warehouse, I figured I'd give them a look.
YATTA! I found a thick book of "The Selected Writings of Lafcadio Hearn" in great condition. Long story short, I bought it and am eagerly awaiting lunch break to dig into this mental food.
I always wonder how you can have so much energy to walk around and try to find new places to go. That's an amazing power I think. Anways, the book sounds interesting. I like to read books about things happened in places that I know... but maybe a different kind.. like.. books about our culture revolution..
But, enjoy lah~ lunch time is coming soon. hehehe..
Sounds like you had your fun today! I intended to go on a short bike ride on a nearby "mountain bike trail." I ended up taking a bad turn somewhere in the woods and apparently got diverted on a long, tough trail. It was so steep and bumpy my ass hurt by the end. I was so happy once I saw the end! LOL. At least it sounds like your trip was a bit more intentional.
i am glad you found your book and i hope you are enjoying reading it. if i ever come across it, will buy it too. :)
thanks for coming by my blog, hope you come by again. :)
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