Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hazy Summer Daze

Has summer finally arrived or is it just my imagination? I'm on the verge of a week-long biz trip to Arizona and it feels like a vacation. I'll be in meetings, trainings and so on, but it feels just like I'm jetting off for another adventure. Which is weird, because it doesn't feel like its time for another adventure. Ive recently come back from Japan, gone through the first year of grad school and am working toward completion in '06. After that, maybe it'll be time to do something new. But I think that even then the adventure will be just finding a full time job and working toward buying a house and all that domestic stuff.

True, I'm going to Japan for a week in September, but that isn't the same thing as a new adventure. That is so I can maintain contact with old friends and an old way of life I'd adopted during my prolonged, three-year stay there. So, I think it boils down to a few events happening concurrently: 1) My special someone is returing to Malaysia next week for two months; I'm going to Arizona for a week; and, I'm still excited about having bought my tix back to Japan. Individually, each of these events would be significant. Put them together and I get to feeling kinda weird. Its a good weird, though. Almost as if I am having a kind of summer adventure.

That said, it's about time for this adventurer to get on with it. I'll finish packing and getting my butt down to the airport.

More reports from the road yet to come...


sun_cici said...

It feels kind of weird for me to REALLY prepare for going home too. Even though I've been waiting for this for more than a month, when it's going to happy in just 3 days, I feel it's too sudden...
anyways.. Enjoyr your trip to Arizona and Japan.
wen ni

*From the special-ci*

Amir said...

It sounds like you're going to be giving those Hollywood socialites a run for their jet-setting lifestyle, though this is quite a season to be heading down to Arizona. Hopefully you'll be up in the highlands away from the intense heat? Adventures sure can be fun though. Enjoy it all before you become too domestic! LOL.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I got another call from the movie makers and they want me to be an extra again, sooo I'm considering taking the plunge into movieland again. Hmmm...